
All members are encouraged to keep their beneficiary(ies) information listed on the NDPERS Retirement Plan and /or Group Life Insurance updated.  A beneficiary is needed in the event of your death in order to disburse your retirement account balance or life insurance to the individual(s) you intended.

You can review your beneficiary(ies) for retirement and/or life insurance on Member Self Service (MSS).

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the plan you want to review: Life Insurance or the desired Retirement Plan

  2. Scroll to the Beneficiaries Section at the bottom of the screen

To update your information, you need to complete and return the appropriate form(s) to the NDPERS Office.

When completing the form(s), all beneficiary(ies) designated shares must equal 100%. NDPERS requires your signature authorization. Your designation is only valid once it is received by the NDPERS office.Call NDPERS at 701-328-3900 or toll free at 800-803-7377 with additional questions.