Each day there are two different interfaces that transmit data between PeopleSoft and PERSLink.
Reference the How to Administer NDPERS Base Benefits on PeopleSoft - User Guide to correct elections and deductions for your participating members that did not show up in the employees’ paychecks.
Daily Demographic Inbound File from PeopleSoft of Permanent Employees
There is a daily transfer of data at 6:00 AM that brings in all demographic updates from the previous day from PeopleSoft into PERSLink. This prevents the employer from having to manually enter information in both PeopleSoft and PERSLink as it relates to new hires, terminations, Leave of Absence (LOA) requests, and employment status changes.
This data that automatically interfaces includes:
- Name changes
- Marital status
- Work/Home/Cell phone updates
- Mailing address
- Change in Employment such as:
- Job Class changes
- Employment Status Changes (i.e. contributing vs non-contributing)
- Employment Type Changes (i.e. Permanent vs Temporary)
- Start & Return from LOAs
Demographic information for temporary employees is not included on this file.
Daily Benefit Enrollment Outbound File to PeopleSoft
There is a daily transfer of data just before midnight that transfers benefit enrollment information from PERSLink to PeopleSoft. This is done prior to the nightly pay calc that OMB runs so the deductions are visible in the paycheck the next morning. This interface reduces the amount of benefit enrollments that payroll processors need to manually enter.
Your organization’s role is to ensure deductions are correct by comparing the permanent employees’ paychecks against the Benefit Enrollment Report.
The following elections need to be completed manually and will not interface into PeopleSoft:
- Health insurance elections for temporary employees
- Lump sum payouts for 457 Deferred Compensation
- If having to enter new hire elections, the coverage begin date should be their hire date and not the 1st of the preceding month
- Warning messages indicating deduction begin dates precede the coverage begin date is correct and you should continue to move forward
Technical difficulties? Contact NDIT at 701-328-4470 or submit an incident online.