
This is a chronological breakdown of the steps involved when onboarding your Defined Contribution (DC) 2025 Tier 3 new hires.

All employees should complete their benefit elections through Member Self Service (MSS). MSS is real-time, paperless tool available to all NDPERS members as a way to manage their NDPERS benefits. 

Before the New Hire Starts

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  1. The employer asks the new hire to complete and return the Employee Personal Data Checklist.
  2. The employer encourages the new hire to watch the three DC 2025 Tier 3 videos:
  1. The employer shares the New Hire Guide – DC 2025 Tier 3 section.
  2. The new hire returns the completed Employee Personal Data Checklist to the employer.
  3. The business day before the new hire starts, the employer enters the new hire into Employer Self Service (ESS).
Before the New Hire Starts

On the first day of employment

  1. NDPERS will process the new hire and a Welcome Letter with an assigned Member ID will be uploaded to ESS.
  2. On the new hire’s first day, the employer prints the NDPERS Welcome Letter and shares it with the new hire.
  3. On the first day, the employee reads the NDPERS Welcome letter and reviews the NDPERS benefits in which they are enrolled or can enroll.
  4. On the first day, the employee completes SFN 2560 Designation of Beneficiary for the Group Retirement Plan and submits the completed to NDPERS. Beneficiary designations cannot be completed on MSS.
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During the first month of employment

  1. Within 7 to 10 business days, the new hire will receive a variety of printed and digital communications from NDPERS and Empower. An email address must be entered in MSS to receive the initial emails directly from Empower.
  2. Within 30 days, the new hire must complete the irrevocable, non-editable additional contribution into the DC 2025 Tier 3. NDPERS recommends the use of MSS.
  3. Within 31 days, the new hire must complete insurance elections in MSS.
  4. At any time, the new hire can start, stop, increase or decrease their supplemental retirement savings through the NDPERS 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.  A beneficiary designation for this Plan must be submitted directly to the employee's selected provider. The NDPERS 457 Deferred Compensation Plan is available to participating organizations only.