
The employer based wellness program allows participating employers to receive a 1% health insurance premium discount for promoting wellness initiatives for their employees at their worksite.

Organizations have the opportunity to enroll in the program on an annual basis. Use the Application Timeline for a breakdown of important dates. The wellness plan year is from July 1 to June 30. 

Our goals for the program are to:

  • have 100% of our employers supporting a wellness message at their worksite
  • have our members get a greater understanding of wellness
  • create a better quality of life for our membership

The program is given its authority in NDCC 54-52.1-14.


Employers electing to enroll in the program must:

For an employer’s wellness program to be approved for the 1% premium discount, a point system has been developed. An employer must obtain 5 points to qualify. The 5 points are obtained based on the types of activities being promoted as follows:

1 point (mandatory) – submission of Commitment Agreement SFN 58643, appointment of wellness coordinator and attendance at the Summer Wellness Coordinator Workshop or ND Worksite Wellness Training

Remaining Points are through Program Activities:


Other Wellness Resources for Employers

Newsletterswebinars and additional wellness resources are available for employers to assist them in implementing a wellness program. 

Funding is available through the Wellness Benefit Funding Program to help offset the cost of eligible programs.