
DC Plan Overview

  • Empower is the Trustee Company (Empower) for this Plan. 
  • The Defined Contribution (DC) Plan has three tiers with different contribution structures. Find your tier under NDPERS Plans when you log into your Member Self Service (MSS)
  • Electing to participate in the DC Plan is an irrevocable decision.
    • Prior to January 1, 2025: Eligible new hires have a six-month window to opt out of the Main Defined Benefit (DB) plan and elect the Defined Contribution (DC) Tier 2  from date of hire.
  • Members in the DC Plan are responsible for managing their retirement account investment strategy.
  • Your retirement benefit is based on your account balance, and you determine your stream of income. There is no guaranteed lifetime monthly benefit. 
  • In the event of a divorce, please review the Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

Defined Contribution Forms

Select your DC Plan tier

Select your DC Plan tier